Excellent R&D experts in Cell2in seek to develop
innovative cell therapy and future medical technology

R&D Story

Stem Cell therapy is on the verge of becoming a solution for medical unmet needs,
but still need to overcome its inconsistent therapeutic effects.

New paradigm in medical area

As the demand for precision medicine increases,
extensive studies on effective treatments of chronic diseases and rare incurable diseases are continuously conducted.

Emergence of cell therapy

Currently, cell therapy is widely used as a therapeutic approach to meet this medical trend.
The discovery of stem cells has provided potential opportunity for many degenerative diseases with high efficiency and safety.

Unmet Needs

However, production of high-quality cell therapeutics with consistent therapeutic effect are still challenging due to lack of cell quality management system.

  • Low efficacy
  • Low bioavailability
  • Inconsistent quality
  • High cost

The cell quality management technology is the key to overcoming the limitations
of current cell therapy

Our Solutions

Cell quality management system

Focusing on these unmet needs,
Cell2in developed a cell quality management system comprising of
its proprietary reversible GSH fluorescent probe and a live cell imaging system optimized for this use.